Terrific Nazeera

The rain falls...

You Can't Understand Me.
Saturday, April 28, 2012 - 11:33 PM

I know you want to meet me so badly. But kita ni manusia je wak. Tak semestinya apa yang dirancang akan berjalan dengan lancar. Kita kecewa dengan sikap awak. Awak susah nak faham kita. Even awak sendiri tahu kita pun nak jumpa awak kan? Kenapa awak cakap yang bykan-bukan then? Cakap kita ni tak nak jumpa awak lah, busy sebab nak outing dengan orang lainlah, tak sayang awaklah. K itu sangat membengangkan /:

Okay Adrin, this is your blog, let out them here. I'M NOT HAPPY BECAUSE YOU SEEMS DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT ME! Every tindakan awak, langsung tak fikirkan kita. Awak ingat kita tunggul? Batu nisan duduk jee atas tanah tu tak buat apa? KITA MACAM LANGSUNG TAK CONTACT. And whenever it comes to on the phone, I can saw that I'm the one with the effort of something so that we can talk. But when we talk, ada jee benda yang tak kena. Masing-masing cari salah and oh my god, seems I'm so desperate. At times you make me hate you so much. I hate to be lied, Meor.

'Meor. Hmm, memang dah tak pandai contact dah kan sebenarnya.' 'Tak ada credits ahh.' 'Amboi, tak contact dengan kita pun credits boleh habis. Awak habiskan dekat siapa?' 'Kawan and parents ahh.' 'Haaa banyak ahh, menipu lebih.' 'Habis tu, kawan and parents tak penting ahh?' 'At least we are contact!' WTF Meor, WTF? Awak, sorry to say but, kita tak percaya. Awak lepak dengan kawan almost 24 jam. Hey, takkan ahh setempat pun nak bertexting. Then parents, amboi, itu lagi menipu. Even kita yang jauh dengan parents pun credits tak ada nak habis sampai tak boleh nak contact awak. Sorry, since that, less trust in you. 
Memang susah ke nak cari lelaki yang memang kita boleh percaya? Is it hidup mereka just untuk menipu? It's okay Adrin. It taught you to be even stronger. Ada hikmah. Amin. Again, I need you to know this, I love you but I hate you. Thanks for doing this to me (': I have no idea with our relationship anymore. Take care.

Assalamualaikum. I'm Back.
- 10:21 PM

Hey people. I'm at the house, Rumah Ku Syurga Ku. Yes, it's holiday and I'm so happy.

Okay, so let's make everything short or even shorter :)

Start with myself. 1) I think I'm getting fatter /: 2) Probably I miss my bestfriend so much, seems she is so far away from me. 3) I'm getting stronger, I guess. 4) My time management is getting better and yeah I'm glad with that. 5) My grade for the second standardize seems make me jumping happily, Alhamdullilah. 6) Yes, I'm so not comfortable with my BM teacher which is my own homeroom advisor. And maybe that's why my BM result don't get higher. 7) I get homesick easily, lately. 8) Me and Abang Bal are in a good condition, seems it's back just like normal. 9) Me and Aliff Iman aren't bertegur at all, I guess, yeah at all. I'm not avoiding but seem he is. K whatever. 10) I've stop giving any damn to my ex-boyfriend, Zamir Najib. Allah dah tunjukkan kot mana kekurangan dia yang memang tersangatlah Adrin tak boleh terima. 11) Stated to hate my own boyfriend, Meor Khairul Akmal. He's helpless. Kbye. 12) I found someone who is can help me so much, he's a very good listener. Seems, we can be a bestfriend, yeah Muhd Syamil? 13) Less phone usage, I guess. YAH, because me and Meor aren't contact. 14) I feel satisfied with my life.

HAHA yeah that's about me. Let's move to someone, named, Muhd Syamil. I think, my relationship with him as friend is getting closer. Seems both of us face the same thing. Be strong, boy. Kau baik :) Kau banyak tolong aku. Even aku sedih, kau cakap itu ini, merepek itu ini, you make me smile or even laugh hardly. I know your story. You know what's the best for your life, so keep on chasing for it. Honestly, I hope you don't wait for something is running away form you. Ramai lagi yang layak untuk kau. Aku doakan kau, Insya Allah. Amin. Aku sayang kau pakcik.


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Under the umbrella...

Adrin Nazeera, forever her.
Hey. I'm Adrin Nazeera Mansor. People in this huge beautiful earth called me Adrin and who called me Nazeera, they were dead, seriously. So, no one dares to call me so. 'And I was born this way to be somebody', okay-2 I'm kidding. I was born on 09th March 1998, and currently studying at MRSM Pekan.

Dont judge the book by its cover. You know me but you don't know my story.

She's scared of losing. Kehilangan orang tersayang, what the hardest thing for her to stand strong. As she knows her life gonna be change, not as well as before. Losing someone loved, maybe she won't face the same situation. Different emotion. Different condition. It depends on happy either devastated. Yelahhh, aku penakut. Kadang-kadang, Adrin takut tanpa sebarang sebab yang munasabah. Yeahh, it is wierd. I am scared of 'SHOUTER'. Sensetive ditengking. Tak boleh ditinggi suara. Takut dijerit.

Dia seorang yang mengada-ngada secara jujur. Dia inginkan perhatian daripada insan yang dia sayang. Family, sudah tentu dia mendapat perhatian yang secukupnya. Haha, dia amat suka apabila someone yang dia sayang mengambil berat tentangnya. Aku dah cakap dah dia gedik lebih. Tak nak percaya, tu haaa, kaki makan dia! Sejak kebelakangan ini, dia lebih pandai mengalah. Tidak mengikut umur, besar atau tua, dia dengan senang hatinya mengalah. kemungkinan, kehidupan asrama telah mengubahnya. Alhamdulillah. Dan sejak kebelakangan ini juga, dia menjadi semakin mendengar kata. Bukanlah kesemuanya dia mendengar kata, tetapi semakin senang jika disuruh untuk melakukan kerja. Thank God, you changed her.

*Easy to start, but hard to end*

Taste the rain (:



December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 August 2012 October 2012

rainbow fairy
Do not wait for a PERFECT MOMENT, but take the MOMENT and make it PERFECT.
That Guitarist

Ahmad Anuar bin Jafar, 17, Kluang. Since 5th August 2012. Alhamdulillah, untill now. Ya Allah, give me the strength for us to keep through all problems together. Not leaving each other and stay strong till the end. Hoping for this serious relationship keep till Jannah. Amin.. Saya sayang awak :)